Call for Papers
Special Issue of Historical Studies in Education
2017: Education and the Making of Canada, Taking Stock of Research in the History of Education
Sharon Cook, Chad Gaffield, Ruby Heap, Kevin Kee, Stéphane Lévesque, Heather McGregor, Lorna McLean, Nicholas Ng-A-Fook, Tim Stanley
Making History Educational Research Unit
University of Ottawa
What do we know today about histories of education in Canada and their roles in shaping people and events that we did not know fifty years ago?
What are the implications for our new understandings of the past in shaping the future of education and Canadian society?
How have changes in Canadian society produced new questions that have deepened historians’ research and led to new insights?
How have theoretically informed and empirically rich approaches opened new avenues for enquiry and understanding?
The approaching sesquicentennial of Canada offers a timely opportunity to take stock of what we have learned about Canada’s educational past and of the complex ways in which education has reflected and shaped social, economic, cultural and political changes. Since 1967, when Canada celebrated its centennial, historical research in education has blossomed. From prize-winning publications to major scholarly associations, conferences and public engagement, historical research has underscored the multiple ways in which formal and informal education plays a central role in defining the experiences of Canadians. History of education today encapsulates everything from redress and reconciliation to the formation of dominance, from understandings of pedagogy to celebrations of everyday life, from the roles of key policy makers to those of the ordinary men, woman and children who shaped our world.
To take stock of multiple perspectives and with attention to diverse historical contexts, this special issue invites submissions that draw upon established research in order to articulate, for non-specialist readers, the significance and meaning of Canada’s educational past both for the present and for making a better future. Contributions addressing time frames from the recent past to the last 10,000 years are also welcome.
Final contributions should be no more than 3,000 words, avoid specialist jargon, keep footnotes to a minimum and include a list of no more than ten additional readings. All contributors must first submit a proposal (maximum 250 words), which will be vetted by the editors of the special issue. Once a proposal is accepted, final submissions will be expected no later than December 1, 2016. Papers will be sent for a double blind peer review, with a view towards final publication in Fall 2017.
Deadline for submission of proposals: August 31, 2016
Deadline for submission of articles: December 1, 2016
Completion of Peer Review Process: March 1, 2017
Submission of Final Versions: May 1, 2017
To submit a proposal, please contact Tim Stanley at