Conference Board of Canada – Supporting Indigenous Students Webinar

As post-secondary education completion rates among Canadian Indigenous students are the lowest in the country; it is evident that Indigenous students need more support.

Join us in our upcoming webinar Supporting Indigenous Students: Improving PSE Completion Rates for At Risk Youth on September 15th at 02:00 PM EDT to learn what necessary and innovative steps Michelle Mitchell and her team at Northern Lakes College spearheaded to support at-risk indigenous students. This interactive webinar will explore how through the extensive use of distance learning and wrap-around services for each community, as well as ongoing communication with Community Education Councils, Northern Lakes was able to provide the support necessary to enable at risk students to become successful in an increasingly competitive world.

Come away empowered with real life strategies on how educators can better help indigenous learners. Specific topics of discussion will include:
• An Overview of key initiatives to support indigenous students at a distance
• The perceived “Distance” and technology gap and why they do not have to be a barrier
• Why community and relationships are paramount to student success
The registration fee for this webinar is $199. This fee includes:
• Access to the full 60-minute presentation and Q+A session
• Access to the recording that you can share with your entire organization
To register, please call 1-866-242-0075, or email Please quote campaign code ESISWV when registering to ensure you receive both the live and recorded webinar for $199.

We hope to see you there!

Natasha Chipilova
Direct Marketing
The Conference Board of Canada