Attached please find a Call for Proposals to identify a knowledge network host and establish a network focused on well-being in Ontario education, in collaboration with the Knowledge Network for Applied Education Research (KNAER). This network will facilitate evidence-based practices and contribute to Ontario’s Well-Being Strategy for Education in partnership with educators, researchers and stakeholders across Ontario.
This call for proposals is part of Phase II of the Knowledge Network for Applied Education Research (KNAER). KNAER is building on what it has learned from its Phase I work, and is now supporting thematic knowledge networks that employ a systems approach to knowledge mobilization. The attached Call is in search of a well-being knowledge network host who will bring together diverse partner organizations to mobilize evidence from educational research and professional practice to promote well-being for students and staff in and across the Ontario education and child care sectors.
The Well-Being Knowledge Network Host will be the lead organization responsible for coordinating the collaborative activities of the network partners and communities of practice to be established through the network. If you are interested in making a submission on behalf of your organization, please review the attached guide carefully, as it describes all the information that is required in a submission.
Please note that the deadline for submissions is September 19, 2016. There will be an information session to learn more about this thematic network and the role of the network host, in August. In the meantime, please contact if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Doris McWhorter