Latest issue of CJE available (39:3 (2016))

Hello Everyone:  Please note that the most recent issue of the Canadian Journal of Education is available from the Web site at  The table of contents can be found below. 
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Katy Ellsworth, Managing Editor
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Canadian Journal of Education Vol 39, No 3 (2016) Table of Contents


Rollande Deslandes (1-3)



Investigating Key Psychometric Properties of the French Version of the Early Years Evaluation-Teacher Assessment (1-24)
Robert Laurie, Elizabeth Sloat

Using Cognitive Coaching to Build School Leadership Capacity: A Case Study in Alberta (1-29)
W. Todd Rogers, Cal P. Hauserman, Jacqueline Skytt

La qualité des interactions observées en classe et les pratiques déclarées par les enseignantes à l’éducation préscolaire (1-27)
Stéphanie Duval, Caroline Bouchard, Christine Hamel, Pierre Pagé

Effets directs et indirects du sentiment d’efficacité parentale scolaire dans le rendement scolaire de l’enfant (1-32)
Eliane Danis, Thérèse Bouffard, Carole Vezeau

Digital Narratives as a Means of Shifting Settler-Teacher Horizons toward Reconciliation (1-25)
Alexandra Bissell, Lisa Korteweg

Portrayals of Bullying in Young Adult Literature: Considerations for Schools (1-24)
Janette Hughes, Jennifer Lynn Laffier

Special Capsule on Children’s Play | Capsule spéciale : Les enfants et le jeu

Introduction (1-5)
Alaina Roach O’Keefe, Joanne Lehrer, Debra Harwood

Examining Rhetorics of Play in Curricula in Five Provinces: Is Play at Risk in Canadian Kindergartens? (1-26)
Shelley Stagg Peterson, Jim Anderson, Maureen Kendrick, Marianne McTavish, Kathy Budd, Debra Mayer, Laureen J McIntyre, Burcu Yaman Ntelioglou, Dianne Riehl

Unfreezing Disney’s Frozen through playful and intentional co-authoring/co-playing (1-25)
Jane Hewes, Pam Whitty, Brittany Aamot, Erica Schaly, Jennifer Sibbald, Kayla Ursuliak

Poetic Inquiry of and on Play (1-26)
Sean Wiebe, John Guiney Yallop, Lynn Fels, Celeste Snowber, Pamela Richardson, Natalie Honein, Sandra Faulkner, Kimberly Dark, Carl Leggo

Le jeu caché en classe comme espace transitionnel à la maternelle (1-21)
Monick Lebrun-Niesing, Krasimira Marinova

Book Reviews/Recensions d’ouvrages

Play Matters (1-3)
Amy Elizabeth Dickerson

L’activité psychomotrice au préscolaire : Des activités nécessaires pour soutenir le développement global de l’enfant (1-3)
Thomas Rajotte

Encouraging Physical Development Through Movement Play (1-4)
Alison Wells-Dyck

La genèse de l’école publique et de la démocratie scolaire au Québec. Les Écoles de syndics 1814-1838 (1-5)
Isabelle Lacroix