Eurydice Publications – 8 November 2016

Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe – 2016

Which European countries provide specific guidelines and guaranteed places for early childhood education? Do schools receive additional resources for disadvantaged students? Where in Europe do teachers receive trainings to tackle students’ early leaving and underachievement? Is informal learning recognised everywhere in Europe for entry into higher education? How common are work placements as part of higher education programmes?

This new Eurydice report answers these and other central questions on the current state of education in Europe. It contains more than 30 detailed structural indicators, up-to-date figures, definitions, country notes and a short analysis of key policy developments and reforms covering five areas: early childhood education and care, achievement in basic skills, early leaving from education and training, higher education and graduate employability. Information covers 40 European education and training systems.

This report provides background and complementary information to the Education and Training Monitor 2016, the publication for education and training policymakers released yesterday by the European Commission. The Monitor consists of an EU-wide analysis of trends in education and training and 28 country reports on the state of national education and training systems. Consult the interactive maps!

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