PISA: 2015 Canadian Results Webinar (Invitation)

Please register for PISA 2015 Canadian Results on Dec 5, 2016 11:00 AM EST at:


Dear colleagues and partners,

On December 6, 2016, two reports on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015 will be released:

o The OECD report, which provides results for all participating countries and economies;
o The Canadian report which provides pan-Canadian results, results at the provincial level, and results by gender and by official language.

Launched in 1997 and first administered in 2000, PISA is an international standardized evaluation of the skills and knowledge of 15 year-old students in science, mathematics, and reading, conducted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and jointly developed by participating countries, including Canada.

In Canada, approximately 20,000 students from about 900 schools in the 10 provinces participated in PISA. In each province the assessment was administered in English, French, or both, according to the province’s school system.

You are invited to attend a pre-release presentation of the Canadian results via webcast on December 5, 2016. An English webcast will be offered at 11:00 a.m. EST and a French webcast at 1:00 p.m. EST. During this presentation, the main findings from the PISA 2015 report will be provided under embargo.

To register for this event, please click the link above. For assistance, please contact Katie Lonergan at k.lonergan@cmec.ca, or by calling 416-962-8100, ext. 288, indicating whether you wish to join the English or the French presentation. By attending the event, you agree to maintain the confidentiality of all results shared during the webcast until the public release of the results on December 6 at 5:00 a.m. EST.

The OECD report will be available at www.pisa.oecd.org. The Canadian report will be available at www.pisacan.ca.

Instructions on how to join the webcast will be provided separately. We look forward to your participation in this event.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.