Canadian Modern Language Review
Volume 72, Number 3, November 2016
Showcasing the Translingual SL/FL Classroom: Strategies, Practices, and Beliefs
Introduction: Shelley K. Taylor and Cecelia Cutler
Peer Collaboration in an English/Chinese Bilingual Program in Western Canada
Miao Sun
Articulation langue 1- langue 2 dans le répertoire langagier des élèves inscrits en programme immersif : quelles ressources lexicales pour les cours de sciences ?
Sophie Babault and Michael Markey
Broadening Educational Practice to Include Translanguaging: An Outcome of Educator Inquiry into Multilingual Students’ Learning Needs
Saskia Van Viegen Stille, Robin Bethke, Jackie Bradley-Brown, Janet Giberson, and Gillian Hall
L’utilisation des langues connues des apprenants en classe de français langue seconde
Caroline Dault and Laura Collins
Exploring Plurilingual Pedagogies across the College Curriculum
Mercè Pujol-Ferran, Jacqueline M. DiSanto, Nelson Núñez Rodríguez, and Angel Morales
Quelles avenues vers une pédagogie postcoloniale et multimodale en contexte plurilingue ?
Julie Vaudrin-Charette and Carole Fleuret
LETs and NESTs: Voices, Views and Vignettes by F. Copland, S. Garton, & S. Mann. (Eds.)
Robert Phillipson
Immigrant Children in Transcultural Spaces: Language, Learning and Loveby M.F. Orellana
Nancy Dubetz
Translanguaging with Multilingual Students: Learning from Classroom Moments by O. García & T. Kleyn
Katherine E. Entigar