The Department of Educational Studies and The Centre for Culture, Identity & Education
University of British Columbia
International Conference on Cultural Studies and Education
(Call for Proposals)
Conference Dates: Thursday 4th May to Saturday 6th May, 2017
Location: Ponderosa Commons, University of British Columbia
Deadline for Proposals: 27th January, 2017
Patti Lather (Professor Emerita, Ohio State University). “Theorizing Cultural Studies of Education: Post (Foundationalist) Promises, Lost Subjects and Tiny Optimisms.”
Wayde Compton (Associate Director, Creative Writing, Simon Fraser University). “Black Public Intellectuals in British Columbia: Two Centuries, Four Visions.”
1. The Institutionalization of Cultural Studies
2. Black Arts: Performative Vancouver Cultural Studies
Following the very successful inaugural conference on the theme of the work of Paulo Freire, the Department of Educational Studies (in collaboration with the Centre for Culture, Identity and Education), University of British Columbia, invites individual paper and full panel proposals for its second Departmental conference on the theme Cultural Studies and Education. In addition to traditional papers and presentations, the conference welcomes proposals for performative cultural studies (music, skits, dance, spoken word, rap, art, multimedia).
Both fields that draw on the traditional disciplines in various ways, cultural studies and education have had a long but mutually ambivalent relationship. What could be described as “the cultural studies turn” in the 1990s marked the taking up of cultural studies as both articulation of and successor regime to a disparate collection of identity based and social justice aimed forms of education. While many in both fields saw this as the emergence of cultural studies and/of education, the history of the imbrication of cultural studies and education goes as far back as the 1960s and 1970s work of the apparently not well known successive “Education Groups” of the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at Birmingham University, UK, and indeed arguably to the very origins of cultural studies as the adult education work of an acknowledged founding father, Raymond Williams. Cultural studies has been rather reticent to acknowledge its education origins, preferring the story of the crises of the humanities and social sciences as its definitive origin. In fact, cultural studies has treated education rather like a dotty old aunt kept hidden in the attic when good, cutting edge theory company have come calling. In turn some in education, engaged in praxis projects, have been put off by what they perceive as the theoreticism that characterizes much of contemporary cultural studies work. On the other hand, some cultural studies figures (e.g. Larry Grossberg who in the late 1990s pronounced education to be “one of the most pressing, promising, and paradoxical sites of cultural studies”) have seen considerable potential for education to contribute to what constitutes cultural studies work and some education figures have variously taken up cultural studies as an approach to critical education or as a means of going beyond addressing “traditional” education issues in order to address aspects of what Roger Simon has described as “education broadly defined.”
This conference aims to address various questions about cultural studies and/of education. The following are potential sub-themes that papers and performances might address:
• * Historicizing cultural studies otherwise and elsewhere
• * The institutionalization, programing and disciplining of cultural studies
• * Cultural studies of education
• * Feminist theory and praxis in cultural studies and education
• * (Post)critical literacy, (post)critical pedagogy and the pedagogy of cultural studies
• * Activist cultural studies and the pedagogy of activism
• * Popular culture and/as education
• * Space/Geography: City, local and regional cultural studies
• * The historical, contemporary and future curriculum and pedagogy of cultural studies
• * Media studies as cultural studies and/or education
• * Performative and embodied Cultural Studies
• * Theory and theorization in Cultural Studies and Education
• * Black Cultural Studies
• * (Return of) Identity and politics of difference in education and/as cultural studies
• * Inter/national cultural studies of Education
• * Identity, difference, representation and social and global justice in and through cultural studies and critical education
• * Aboriginality and cultural studies
• * Inter/anti/post: cultural studies, education and the disciplines
• * Cultural studies as successor regime to critical education
Sessions: Traditionally four presentations (confirmed discussant additional or included). Alternatives welcome (might include set of performances or mix of papers and performances; poster display).
Individual Paper Proposals
Full Name: Institutional Affiliation (if applicable): Full Address: Email Address: Telephone Number:
Title of proposed paper: Abstract: (250 words) Bio: (150 words– provide link to institutional or artistic/performance url if available)
Panel Proposals
Name of Principal Contact (Panel Organizer): Institutional Affiliation: Full Address: Email Address:
Telephone Number: Title of proposed panel/session: Abstract of Panel: (250 words maximum)
Bio: (150 words – provide link to institutional or artistic url if available)
Names of each panelist, Institutional Affiliations, Full Addresses, Email Addresses, Telephone Numbers, Title of Each Paper on Panel, Abstract for each paper (250 words maximum) and Bios of all panelists.
Registration, Further Information:
Inquiries and Communication: