2017 CANeLearn Symposium & BC Digital Learning Conference
April 5 – 7, 2017 in beautiful downtown Vancouver BC at the Westin Bayshore Hotel (Gateway to Stanley Park)
Blending Boundaries: Leading Digital Disruption, Innovation & Equitable Learning.
Main program details: http://2017symposium.sched.com/
Pre-conf details: http://2017presymposium.sched.com/
Registration information here: http://canelearn.net/symposium/symposium-registration/
Keynote: Michael Furdyk TakingITGlobal (http://www.tigweb.org/tiged/)
• Michael has appeared on Oprah, presented at TED, and was named one of Teen People’s “Twenty Teens that will Change the World”
• Keynoted over 100 events, sharing his technology expertise & passion for youth engagement & educational reform in over 30 countries
Closing keynote: Remi Kalir CU Denver (http://remikalir.com/bio/)
• Remi’s research-focuses on partnerships at the intersection of technology, equity, and learning
• His research also includes game-based learning in teacher education, and investigating how teachers design gameful curricula, pedagogy, and digital media
Canadian Education Award Winners
• Dr. Sean Lessard, University of Regina (http://www.cea-ace.ca/education-canada/article/red-worn-runners?utm_source=Bulletin+and+CEA+Updates+%2F+Bulletin+et+mises+%C3%A0+jour+de+l%27ACE&utm_campaign=622f1e577a-Bulletin_ENGLISH_Jan_2017&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_8ed9356158-622f1e577a-84843405)
• Zoe Branigan-Pipe, Hamilton-Wentworth SD (http://www.cea-ace.ca/education-canada/article/21st-century-learning-20th-century-classroom)
• Navigate’s Fine Arts eCademy (http://cea-ace.s3.amazonaws.com/media/2016%20Ed%20Awards%20final.pdf)
• François Guité, Consultant en éducation, Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (http://www.francoisguite.com/auteur/)
Over 60 sessions! Structured dialogue & networking on blended & online learning.
Registration information here: http://canelearn.net/symposium/symposium-registration/