Extended submission deadline: April 30, 2017
In 2017, the Comparative and International Education Society of Canada/Société canadienne d’éducation comparée et internationale (CIESC/SCECI) celebrates its 50th anniversary. To mark the occasion, Comparative and International Education/ Éducation comparée et internationale (CIE/ECI), the official journal of the CIESC, will publish a special issue in the fall of 2017 on:
50 Years of Comparative and International Education:
Looking Back and Envisioning Forward
The CIESC/SCECI is an association of the Canadian Society for the Study in Education, the largest organization of professors, students, researchers and practitioners in education in Canada. CIESC/SCECI was established in Ottawa on 5 June 1967 as a bilingual organization, to reflect the Official Languages of Canada, English and French. The purpose of the society, laid out in the Constitution, is to encourage and promote comparative and international studies in Canadian education by:
1. Promoting and improving the teaching of comparative education in institutions of higher learning;
2. Stimulating research;
3. Facilitating the publication and distribution of comparative studies in education;
4. Interesting professors and teachers of other disciplines in the comparative and international dimensions of their work;
5. Encouraging visits by educators to study educational institutions and systems throughout the world;
6. Co-operating with those in other disciplines who attempt to interpret educational developments in a broad cultural context;
7. Organising conferences and meetings;
8. Co-operating with comparative and international education societies and with governmental and private agencies in order to further common objectives; and
9. Co-operating with other Canadian educational societies to further common objectives.
Since 1967, members of the CIESC have actively worked to meet these objectives through their teaching, research, and service to the society. As we approach our 50th year as a scholarly society, it is time to look back, take stock of our achievements and the challenges we have faced, as well as look forward to envisioning a role for comparative and international education in a globalized world.