I wanted to pass on a sneak peek at one of the multidisciplinary events coming to Congress 2017. Colleagues at SAGE have recently completed a 9,000-respondent survey to learn more about who is using big data to conduct research in the social sciences and what kinds of challenges they’re encountering.
Given ongoing work among your members in this area, we wanted to make sure you had seen their new Congress blog post – “The Lowdown on Big Data,” which shares some of their top-level findings – and the details of their open event at Congress, which might be of interest to your association attendees. The event, titled “Getting Comfortable with Big Data,” will take place between 10:30 and noon on Thursday, June 1, at the Expo Event Space at the Congress Hub in the Mattamy Athletic Centre.
Peter Severinson
Policy Analyst | Analyste des politiques
Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences | Fédération des sciences humaines
pseverinson@ideas-idees.ca |613.238.6112 ext/poste 318