Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation (HSE/RHE), Canada’s bilingual history of education journal for nearly 30 years, seeks an Associate Editor, responsible for French article submissions and French book reviews. The candidate will have an active research program in some aspect of the history of education, very broadly conceived to include areas such as child and youth history, intellectual history, history of the arts, history of science, etc. Scholars at all levels will be considered, including independent scholars and advanced doctoral students (at least ABD). The initial appointment term is 3 years with the possibility of renewal.
Please send a one-page letter outlining your interest in the position and qualifications for it, along with your academic CV, as email attachments to Drs. Mona Gleason and Penney Clark, editors HSE/RHE, c/o Ms. Katie Gemmell, Managing Editor k.gemmell@alumni.ubc.ca. Consideration of applicants will begin August 1st and will continue until we have filled the position.