Invitation to participate in a survey for a study about global academic mobility

Do you hold or have recently (within the last year) an academic position in a higher education institution that involves either teaching or research or both? Is academic mobility (e.g. studying and teaching abroad, international research collaborations, attending international conferences and other forms of transnational academic exchange) a part of your work? Have you ever experienced inequalities in academic mobility such as not being able to be mobile due to circumstances beyond your control or being forced to be mobile/migrate against your will? If you can answer yes to any of these questions, please consider participating in a short (5-10 minute) anonymous online survey (in English). Just click here to view the survey. Completion of the survey is an indication of your willingness to participate in the study.

I am also recruiting academics to be interviewed who have faced barriers in their efforts to be mobile for their scholarly work and/or have been forced to migrate out of their home countries. The interview (in English) will take approximately 45 minutes, will be audio-taped, and take place face-to-face at a location of your choice, by phone, Skype or Facetime. If you are interested in participating in the interview, email me at for further information or click on the link at the end of the survey. You can participate in the interview without having completed the survey.