CSSE 2018 Conference-Call for Presentations

On behalf of the CSSE Board of Directors, I would like to take this opportunity to invite faculty, staff and graduate students from your institution to submit a presentation proposal for the 2018 CSSE Annual Conference in Regina, Saskatchewan on 26 – 30 May 2018 (pre-conferences on 26 May 2018). Held in conjunction with the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, this bilingual conference provides an opportunity for discussion of educational issues among practitioners and educational scholars from across the nation.


We encourage participative sessions in various formats including themed, symposium/panel, small round table, multiple paper, single paper, and poster (featuring the use of graphic or other multimedia material). Presentation proposals can be submitted 29 August 2017 – 1 October 2017 by going to our website: http://csse-scee.ca/conference-2018/. I have also attached a Call for Presentations flyer for your convenience.


We would appreciate you forwarding this invitation to other faculty, staff and graduate students, and look forward to your participation in this key event for education professionals – The 2018 CSSE Annual Conference.




Nicholas Ng-A-Fook, PhD


Canadian Society for the Study of Education