Call for submissions in CJLT Special Issue: Sustainability in higher education

The Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology invites manuscript submissions for the following special issue:
Sustainability in higher education: What is the role of educational technologies?
Guest editor: Dr. Linda Price (Professor & Chair)
University of Bedfordshire, UK

Call for submissions:
On a global scale, we have seen shifts toward sustainability commitments through such agreements and conventions as the Halifax Declaration, Talloires Declaration, Copernicus Charter for Sustainable Development the Bologna Charter, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015. In the last decade, we have also witnessed institutions of higher education advancing the importance of sustainability. Indeed, catalysts for sustainability policy, practices and special initiatives are becoming integrated to institutional governance, including institutional visions, missions and strategic planning.

An oft-cited definition of sustainability comes from the Brundtland Report which argues that sustainable development “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need”. The interpretation of this definition has tended to result in a focus on environmental, social and cost-reduction issues. In this special issue, we ask: in what ways can educational technologies: (1) create a pathway for advancing sustainability? (2) provide a catalyst for the development of pedagogical paradigms for sustainability issues? (3) advance policy, guidelines and professional development in issues related to sustainability in higher education?

Within the focus and scope of CJLT ( authors are invited to submit manuscripts in French or English addressing one or more of these questions. The overarching aim of this special issue is to open an information exchange on the possibilities, potential, and opportunities that educational technologies afford with respect to advancing sustainability in higher education.

All manuscripts received by the Special Issue Editor (Professor Linda Price) will be judged for suitability, contribution, accuracy, and interest followed by a panel of anonymous reviewers designated at the time of submission.

Deadline for submission of manuscripts for peer review: 30 November 2017
Notification of acceptance decision: 1 March 2018
Deadline for author manuscript revisions: 15 April 2018
Copyediting review: 15 May 2018
Publication of special issue: 1 June 2018

Please send submissions to: with ‘special issue’ in the subject line.