The Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education (CJNSE/RCJCÉ), a bilingual, online, open access, non-blind, peer-reviewed journal provides a way for Canadian graduate students to disseminate their work to a greater audience, while also being mentored by other graduate students and faculty through the publication process. CJNSE is currently seeking submissions for our theme issue, “Pedagogies of Resistance.”
Believing firmly in the importance of anti-oppressive scholarship, in this issue we want to expand on the ways educationalists investigate diverse educational spaces in an effort to eliminate the ways in which systems of power and privilege negatively impact the lives of peoples who are minoritized.
Detailed information on the requirements and specifications for submission to this issue are outlined in the CFP here:
For faculty members in particular, we would really appreciate your if you would encourage students in your department to submit to this issue (and all subsequent issues!). Your mentorship and guidance is pivotal in helping junior colleagues not only to succeed, but to flourish while we are completing our degrees.In the coming weeks and months, ways to support the journal as faculty members (Senior Reviewers) and post-doctoral researchers (Senior Review Mentors, Review Mentors, Article Reviewers) will be sent through the CSSE listserve and posted online on our Facebookand Twitter accounts.
For graduate students wanting to get involved in the journal and learn more about academic publishing, we will be hiring for multiple volunteer positions in the roles of Copyeditor and Senior Copyeditor; one Associate Editor position is also available. In addition, there will be calls for Article Reviewers and Review Mentors in early 2018; please watch your email and follow us on social media for more information.
Questions about any of the above can be sent via email to