With a recently expanded cluster of over fifteen full-time faculty in the Learning Sciences from around the world and a large endowment, the Werklund School of Education’s Learning Sciences program is one of the largest, most diverse, and fastest growing learning sciences programs in the world. Our faculty and students represent over 20 countries.
The Learning Sciences specialization is committed to engaging deeply in research-informed, research-active, and research-promotive programs for the purpose of developing and improving theories and practices of learning and scholarship. The program builds on foundational commitments to interdisciplinarity and design with deep understandings that the most pressing challenges facing our world are simultaneously cultural, social, technological, and critical.
We are seeking highly motivated graduate students to study and work in these areas. You can find more information about the programs at the websites below:
Click “How to Apply”
Applications for the 2018-19 academic year are due December 1, 2017.