6th World Curriculum Studies Conference
Call for Papers
Hello, everyone.
I am delighted to announce the official Call for Papers for the 6th World Curriculum Studies Conference, to be held in Melbourne, Australia, December 9-10, 2018. Registrations are now open – see the conference website for details.
This is the first time that this triennial conference has been held in Australia. We are confident that this Conference will continue on the tradition of these important events, speaking to a world-wide community of curriculum scholarship and achievement and showcasing Australia’s own in this regard.
The title we have chosen for the Conference is ‘Transnational Curriculum Inquiry: Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World’. This is meant to capture the kind of open-ended agenda that we see appropriate for a conference situated as it is in the Asia-Pacific Region. At the same time, we have sought to shape that agenda by weaving through it three key themes, firstly the idea of ‘Decolonising the Curriculum’, secondly that of ‘Knowledge Questions and Curriculum Dilemmas’, and thirdly ‘Curriculum Inquiry and the Historical Imagination’. We hope that this provides a generative spur to your own thinking, in moving towards the rich curriculum conversations we envisage happening in Melbourne, in a year’s time.
We now have three splendid Keynote Speakers in place, and there will be three plenary Featured Panels, with panellists drawn from around the world, plus a range of paper presentations. A Pre-Conference Workshop will be held for emerging scholars – graduate students and early-career researchers.
Our last global announcement was on December 6, 2016, and some of you have been in email communication with us since then. The website has now been updated, and we encourage you to revisit it so that you can best organise your participation and your travel to Australia.
We very much look forward to seeing you in the great city of Melbourne.
Bill Green
(for the Conference Planning Group)
Professor Bill Green, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Faculty of Arts & Education
Charles Sturt University
Bathurst NSW 2795
Email: bigreen@csu.edu.au
Convenor – 6th World Curriculum Studies Conference
Melbourne, Australia (Dec 10-12, 2018)