New 2016 Census data available online

Today, Statistics Canada’s year-long census story reaches its final chapter. Thanks to the outstanding engagement of Canadians and to your support, the agency is proud to provide high-quality information for communities across the country.

Statistics Canada is pleased to release its final major instalment of data on education, labour, journey to work, language of work, mobility and migration.

As with previous census releases, the story of Canada as seen through the 2016 Census will be supplemented with infographics and data visualization products, including a new statistical dashboard called the Census Program Data Viewer. This advanced web-based data visualization tool makes data more interpretable by presenting key indicators for basic geographic and sociodemographic data.

What’s next?

A variety of datasets and products will be published over the next few months, including a brand new Community Portrait Tool. This customizable PowerPoint presentation template provides useful tips and embedded links to help you paint your community’s portrait by the numbers using 2016 Census data.
Stay tuned by following our official social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.