Latest ERIC Video Describes How to Find Full-Text Materials in ERIC
Looking for full-text education research? ERIC has more than 385,000 full-text journal articles, reports, conference papers and other materials available for download free of charge. We just released a video that describes the types of resources you can obtain in full text, and how to locate these materials in ERIC.
As of fall 2017, there were nearly 65,000 full-text journal articles in ERIC. More than 77 percent of grey literature providers permit display of their material, either immediately or following a period of embargo. ERIC is also the full-text repository for work developed and funded by IES, including final peer-reviewed manuscripts created by IE! S grantees and contractors. You can download final, peer-reviewed grantee manuscripts from ERIC one year after publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
We work closely with publishers and other resource providers to encourage the release of full text in ERIC for the benefit of the broad education community.
Keep up-to-date with ERIC activities and releases by following ERIC on Facebook and Twitter. ERIC is an online library with more than 1.6 million records of journal articles, reports, and books in the field of education. ERIC is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.
The Institute of Education Sciences, a part of the U.S. Department of Education, is the nation’s leading source for rigorous, independent education research, evaluation and statistics.