Save the Date: Feb. 20, 2018 | Responsive Government Policy for the Future

Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development (MAESD)
900 Bay Street, MacDonald Block, 2nd Floor, Ontario Room

Responsive Government Policy for the Future

The digital landscape is changing the way both citizens and government operate. How do we ensure that governments meet their goals and policy remains relevant, helpful and timely for citizens?

MAESD’s third Policy Research Symposium explores applied and academic research that leads to the development of policy directions for the higher education sector. The Symposium will delve into the following areas:

• Building a Highly-Skilled Workforce
• Access to Postsecondary Education
• Enabling Technologies
• Creating Indigenous Institutes
• The Talent Pipeline
• Developing Digital Policy

More details to come, but save the date now!