Canadian History of Education Association (CHEA/ACHÉ) 20th Biennial Conference

Canadian History of Education Association/Association canadienne d’histoire de l’éducation (CHEA/ACHÉ) 20th Biennial Conference

Theme: Cultures, Communities, Challenges: Perspectives on the History of Education
Conference Dates: October 18-21, 2018
Conference Location: Fredericton, New Brunswick (Crowne Plaza Hotel)

Deadline for Submissions: March 1st, 2018

Canadians spend their formative years in institutions of education. Moreover, they are now expected to be part of a culture of lifelong learning. They are shaped by and in turn shape formal educational structures and informal networks, from scouts to amateur sports, YMCAs to literacy programs. While framed as individual development, educational programming is also centrally about communities and community-building. This is not always an easy relationship, as tensions over community values demonstrate. As a result, education is a site of contention, be it over religious and ethnic differences, language rights, or social and cultural expectations. Presentations at this conference will examine education’s relationship to notions of community and its role in community-building. They will also explore how new educational developments such as insights from neuroscience, the emphasis on social and emotional learning, the consequences of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, or the impact of inclusive education, are reshaping ideals and understandings of community and the enterprise of educational history itself.

CHEA/ACHÉ also welcomes proposals outside of this theme that still relate to the history of education broadly-defined. Papers may be Canadian, non-Canadian, or international/transnational in scope. We are particularly welcoming of graduate students and new scholars. We welcome both individual and panel presentation proposals.
For more information, go to or contact Catherine Gidney at