2018 CSSE Draft Programme

Dear Members:

A version of the CSSE 2018 conference program is now available on the CSSE Web site at http://csse-scee.ca/conference-2018/.

To report minor edits (title, name, spelling, affiliation), please contact the Michael Holden at michaelrobholden@gmail.com. DEADLINE 2 MARCH 2018

Changes that involve moving sessions are unlikely to be accommodated.

You can use the search feature in Adobe Reader to search for a word in the title or the name of the author.

Printed copies of the programme will only be available for distribution at the conference to registered delegates who have pre-purchased a copy with their registration payment.

Please note that this programme is always evolving and will be updated, as possible, with given additions and changes, as resources permit. With respect to submitting corrections to the to the 2018 conference programme, please note that the requests will be dealt with in a timely manner. Your patience will be appreciated.

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CSSE Secretariat