ChangSchoolTalks 2018: SERIOUS GAMES

Have you ever considered how serious games could benefit your organization? Ryerson University’s G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education is pleased to present ChangSchoolTalks 2018 – a professional development and networking event that will bring together nine world-renowned speakers to discuss game-based learning in Higher Education, Healthcare, and the Corporate sector.

ChangSchoolTalks 2018: SERIOUS GAMES
May 3, Downtown Toronto
8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., $150 per ticket
Proceeds support student bursaries.

Whether you have attended a ChangSchoolTalks event in the past or are just learning about it now, we encourage you to join us:
• Learn how design, development, and the application of serious games can meet your organization’s education and training needs.
• Get inspired by some of the best speakers on game-based learning including Pete Jenkins, Walter Greenleaf, Ann Coppens, Eric Klopfer, and more.
We hope to see you on May 3!
ChangSchoolTalks 2018 e-flyer