Invitation to submit a proposed chapter in the edited book Diverse Leadership Landscapes: Exploring the Terrain.

Drs Catherine McGregor and Shailoo Bedi, University of Victoria, Canada, will be editing a book entitled Diverse Leadership Landscapes: Exploring the Terrain. Our goal is to create a collection of research chapters written by scholars and practitioners who are interested in exploring the diverse terrain of diversity leadership: both those who are themselves members of the dominant culture and are advocates of leadership for diversity, as well as racialized minority leaders who find themselves navigating the complex terrain of leadership in diversity. This latter perspective is particularly important; as McNamara (2008) noted, the near invisibility of racialized academic and practitioner perspectives in the study of educational leadership, needs to be more systematically addressed. We invite those who work in the field of leadership education, as well as educational leaders within the k-12 and postsecondary system to reflect on what they have learned either as researchers or practitioners about diversity leadership. A focus on both of these perspectives will provide a publication that will have value for theory and practice. The book overview provides more detail about possible chapter themes and questions to explore.

Proposals for chapter contributions, in the form of a 800-1000 word abstract, are being requested by August 30, 2018. Abstracts will be reviewed by the editors and potential authors notified of review results no later than September 30, 2018. Successful authors will be invited to submit full chapters (8,000-10,000 words) by January 15, 2019 which will be followed by a peer-review process. Publication of the book is planned for Fall, 2019 or Spring 2020.

Book Overview:
In contemporary educational settings, diversity in and for leadership are becoming more central concerns of practitioners and researchers alike. There is an increasing demand for what are described as skills in creating inclusive and safe environments for diverse populations, including an awareness of, knowledge and skills of cultural competence and/or cultural sensitivity. Cross cultural communication, respect for differences, accommodation and valuing of diverse belief systems and ways of being, the operation of power and privilege, and the role of allyship are all discussed as necessary for leaders in diverse settings. Tracing the impact of these practices in school settings can provide leaders and policy makers with important evidence of what models should be promoted and/or implemented across educational systems. We also know that diversity leadership remains under studied (McNamara et al, 2009; Myboyo, 2017) and that diverse leaders remain on the periphery of professional practice. We hope this book will provide means of beginning to fill that gap.

If you are interested in this call, please feel free to contact either of the editors, Catherine McGregor ( or Shailoo Bedi ( for more information and for an outline of the proposed themes within the book and possible questions authors could explore.

Dr. Catherine McGregor, Associate Professor, Leadership Studies
University of Victoria, Victoria, BC
T 250-721-6570