OISE Jackson Lecture: Spirit Bear: Decolonizing Canada by Lifting Up the Children

Invitation to the 2018 R.W.B. Jackson Lecture


Join us on June 13th for the R.W.B. Jackson Lecture featuring Dr. Cindy Blackstock, Executive Director, First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada, in conversation with CBC’s Duncan McCue.

Connect and network with alumni, colleagues and friends at OISE’s signature spring lecture and community reception.

2018 R.W.B. Jackson Lecture

June 13, 2018

5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

OISE Auditorium (252 Bloor St. W.)

Reception to follow in OISE Library

There is no cost to attend, however RSVP is required (acceptances only):


Register to attend IN PERSON:


Register to watch LIVE ONLINE: tinyurl.com/OISEJacksonLecture-Webcast

We look forward to seeing you there!