Malta 12-16 November, 2018

Professional Learning: a leadership opportunity and challenge
Second call for Papers

Dates: 13 – 15 November 2018 Main Conference
Dates: 12 November Masterclasses and school visits (choice of 5)
Dates: 16 November school visits (choice of 5)
Venue: Dolmen Resort Hotel see
Discount accommodation rates only available through CCEAM
conference website

Members and colleagues planning to present a paper at CCEAM 2018 are encouraged to get their finger tapping as the deadline is July 31, 2018. Paper
types include:
• General papers: Abstract 300 words. References must be formatted in APA style.
• Refereed papers (that will be reviewed for our ISEA journal): Abstract 500 words. References must be formatted in APA style.
• Symposiums: Abstract 200 words plus 300 words per paper. References must be formatted in APA style.
• Round table discussions: Abstract 300 words. References must be formatted in APA style.
• Workshops: Abstract 300 words. References must be formatted in APA style.
• ELEVATE sessions (innovative ideas, new practice, new research currently being explored). Abstract 300 words. References must be formatted in APA style.
• Posters: Abstract 300 words. References must be formatted in APA style
All abstracts are subject to blind peer review and are selected on their relevance to the Conference theme and quality. Submissions will only be accepted that are made online using our abstract submission system which can be found at

All proposals must indicate the theme their paper relates to. This information will be used in the program to allow participants to more easily identify papers and sessions which are of direct interest to them.

Professional Learning Communities for School Improvement
This strand focuses on research studies that examine the selected Professional Learning Community (PLC) model and how this framework leads to enhanced collaborative cultures and improved practices.

Communities of Practice for Learning Improvement
This strand seeks proposals that explores what researchers and practitioners are doing to enhance the process of teaching and learning. Areas such as lesson study, peer coaching and reflective practice are particularly relevant to this theme.

Capacity Building For Institutional Growth
This strand calls for proposals that explore the various forms that leadership can take such as distributed leadership, teacher leadership, and co-leadership that lead to increased collaborative capacities within the school.

Policy and Governance
The focus of this strand is to explore the impact of policy development on school governance and/or on the way different forms of governance support or inhibit school improvement. Special focus will be given on issues of accountability and sustainability.

All enquiries for this conference can be forwarded to our CEO Jenny Lewis at

I look forward to reading your marvellous proposals.

Yours in Educational Leadership
Prof Christopher Bezzina FCCEAM
Deputy Dean
Head of Department
Department of Leadership for Learning & Innovation
University of Malta