Visiting Indigenous Scholar ‐ Queen’s Faculty of Education

We invite professors and educators with expertise in Indigenous education to visit Queen’s to conduct their own research and collaborate with Queen’s faculty members. The Aboriginal Teacher Education Program (ATEP) and the Master’s of Education in Aboriginal and World Indigenous Studies (AWIES) place the Faculty as a leader in Indigenous education in Ontario. Visiting scholars will have the opportunity to work closely with Queen’s professors and researchers in Indigenous Education. For further details, visit the AWIES and ATEP websites.

Deadlines for applications are August 15 (to visit January ‐ April) and February 15 (to visit May – August or September‐December). Full year applications are welcome and can be submitted for the August or February deadline.

What the Queen’s Faculty of Education provides:
• Full library privileges
• IT access and support
• Research stipend of up to $10,000/year (pro‐rata based on length of the visit)
• Invitations to attend Faculty events and talks

Essential Facts
• Office space is limited and may be shared space.
• Health Coverage: International visitors who are here for more than three weeks must sign up for the University Health Insurance Plan.
• Immigration: If you are an international visitor, you may require a visa to enter Canada. Make yourself aware of the lead‐time necessary for applying for a visa (depends on your country). International visitors should visit the Queen’s University International Visitors page for further information.
• Housing: Visitors are required to find their own accommodation. Suggestions can be found on the Faculty Recruitment and Support website.

How to Apply
Send your research plan, proposed timing for your visit, and current C.V. to Associate Dean Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Ted Christou Proposals will be reviewed by a committee.

If you have any questions about this process, please e‐mail