NEWS: Call for WERA-IRN Proposals 2018

The World Education Research Association (WERA) invites proposals to establish International Research Networks (IRNs). The purpose of WERA-IRNs is to advance education research worldwide on specific scholarly topics. IRNs are collaborative groups of scholars working on a specific research topic primarily through virtual communication or other channels. IRNs synthesize knowledge, examine the state of research, and stimulate collaborations or otherwise identify promising directions in research areas of worldwide significance.

IRNs are required to produce a substantive report that sets forth the state of knowledge worldwide and promising research directions on the topic of the IRN. All IRNs are expected to prepare such a research synthesis report as the first task of their work. Other research activities or initiatives may vary, but an examination of the research worldwide on a topic is the initial contribution. Also, WERA-IRNs are expected to present their work at WERA symposia or keynote sessions or to meet at a WERA Focal Meeting held in cooperation with a WERA member association.


IRN members must be individual members of WERA or members of a WERA member association. IRN members who are individual members of a member association of the European Educational Research Association also qualify as eligible IRN members. Individuals are encouraged to become WERA individual members, whether or not it is a requirement of eligibility.

To join WERA as an individual member visit

Submissions and Questions

WERA-IRN proposals must be submitted electronically via e-mail to Please include the surname(s) of the organizer(s) in the subject line of the e-mail in the format “WERA-IRN Proposal – SURNAME(S).” MORE INFORMATION

Questions to the WERA Committee on International Research Networks should also be directed to

DEADLINE: 15 February 2019

Kind regards
WERA Secretariat