NEWS: CFP for Special Issue of International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education

Dear CSSE colleagues,

We hope this email finds you well.

As guest editors of the Special Issue (SI) of the International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education (IJMCE), Dr. Lorraine Godden and I would like to invite you to consider submitting the article to a Special Issue (SI) focusing on the role of mentoring and coaching as a means of supporting the well-being of educators.

Our aim for the SI is to:

  • Raise awareness of potential benefits, challenges and implications of mentorship and coaching as supportive structures for the well-being of educational professionals in a variety of educational contexts (including compulsory and post-compulsory educational settings).
  • Contribute to and enhance the body of literature pertaining to the role of mentoring and coaching in supporting the holistic well-being and ongoing learning and development of educators.

Articles for the special issue may:

  • include original research, reports of exemplary programs, practitioner learning, conceptual pieces, or reviews of literature;
  • focus on the well-being capacity development of educators and/or those who act as mentors and coaches.

Authors may consider:

  • How can mentorship and coaching support the well-being and mental health of educators who work in complex and stressful environments?
  • How can well-being capacity contribute to the well-being of educators’ protégés, students, and colleagues?

Journal Scope

Established in 2012 and publishing 4 issues per annum, IJMCE has an internationally renowned Editorial Advisory Board and has published some of the most significant recent work on mentoring and coaching in education, written by leading authors in the field from around the world. All submissions are blind reviewed by three independent reviewers from at least two different countries.

Submission and deadline information

We invite potential authors to submit a manuscript by February 15, 2019 in order to be considered for the special issue, which will be published in August, 2019. If we accept more papers than are needed for one issue, the additional manuscripts will be published in subsequent issues of IJMCE. Submissions to IJMCE are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts, the online submission and peer review system. Registration and access is available at

Further information

For questions specifically relating to this SI, please email Benjamin Kutsyuruba at and/or Lorraine Godden at

Best regards,
Ben and Lorraine