NEWS: Narratives of Indigenous Women in Education Organizations

Dear Community Member,
I am a graduate student at Thompson Rivers University conducting research on Indigenous women in leadership positions within education organizations. I am contacting you in the hopes that you would be willing to participate in a study which will examine the stories of Indigenous women in leadership positions. Simply put, I am interested in learning about how you got into the leadership position you are in today and your experiences as an Indigenous leader in education. The research will serve as my thesis for the Master’s of Education program I am currently enrolled in. I may also share the insights gained from the study in academic conferences, community forums, and journals.

Should you consent, interviews can be conducted at your convenience via telephone or skype, or if you are within a short travelling distance, I can meet with you in person. Interviews will consist of open ended questions and will not take more than one hour. If you consent, I would like to audio record the interview for later transcription and analyses. As an indigenous researcher, I am very supportive of the inclusion of stories and collaboration to ensure accuracy of your voice. Once I have had a chance to analyse the data, I will send you excerpts of the interview that I may use in the results and discussion for you to check the accuracy of my interpretations. To keep your identity concealed, I will replace your name with a pseudo name chosen by you. I will keep all records of the interview in a secured place and will dispose of them by permanently deleting electronic files and shredding paper copies five years after completing the study. Should you wish to exit the study, please let me know at any time before the final report is completed. I have attached an informed consent for your review and signature. If you are interested in receiving a copy of the final report, please indicate this in the consent form and provide an email address.

Each participant will be entered into a draw to win a piece of Dene beadwork. Recruited participants will receive a gift basket of traditional items as a thank you gift.

Rhyannon Garant