NEWS: Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes

Le Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes (SQRC) would like to draw your attention to changes made to the Research Support Program on Intergovernmental Affairs and Québec Identity – now the Research Support Program. Could you please forward this information to researchers in relevant departments within your institutions.

After 10 years, the Research Support Program on Intergovernmental Affairs and Québec Identity (PSRAIIQ) is being transformed to better meet research needs!

Since its inception in 2008, the Program has supported more than 120 projects – whether research, conferences or translations – in Québec, Canada and around the world.

Recently, changes have been made to better reflect the pace and requirements of research and publication.

– The PSRAIIQ became the PAR – the Research Support Program.
o A more explicit name, open to research.

– PAR now has three main components. The “Canadian Francophonie” component is added to “Intergovernmental Relations” and “Québec Identity”.
o A dimension to be better explored.

– Research centres affiliated with an academic institution and research associations can now submit a project.
o A step towards the next generation of academics.
o An incentive to develop structural partnership projects.

– Projects submitted can now benefit from multi-year financial support.
o More sustainable support for research.
o Recognition of major projects.

General information and forms:

Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes
Direction de la veille et de la réflexion stratégiques
875, Grande Allée Est, 3e étage
Québec (Québec) G1R 4Y8
Phone: 418 528-7915

Write to us : email.

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