News: Teaching Guide, Grades 9-12: Indigenous Youth and the Child Welfare System

*Free online education resource: Indigenous Youth and the Child Welfare System – Teaching Guide, Grades 9-12

This teaching guide for grades 9-12 is designed to accompany the documentary film (Dis)placed: Indigenous Youth and the Child Welfare System. The film features the voices of Indigenous youth as they reflect on their prior involvement with child welfare and share their multiple strategies of resistance to assimilation and state control. The guide provides teachers with necessary background information on the connections between Canada’s colonial history, especially residential schools, and the ongoing inequities experienced by First Nations children and youth. Questions and activities structured around four themed lessons will help students understand these connections, as well as the following: the role of family, community, and culture in identity formation and belonging; how art, storytelling, and the revival of cultural practices can be powerful sites of learning, resistance, and healing; and how they can exercise their citizenship responsibilities by taking action in an ongoing social justice movement that addresses the root causes of ongoing discrimination.

Link to Teaching Guide:

For educational previews of the film, or to purchase the film, see pages 2-3 of teaching guide or email For all other inquiries about the film or the teaching guide, please contact

Resource produced by:
First Nations Children’s Action Research and Education Service (FNCARES)
Faculty of Education, University of Alberta/
website: FNCARES / twitter: fncares@fncares / facebook: fncares