The CAFE executive has passed a motion to change the criteria for the 2019 CAFE Publication Award. The criteria previously allowed for nominations for single or dual-authored peer-reviewed journal articles. This meant that co-authored journal articles with more than two authors did not qualify for nomination. The executive feels that this presents an undue limitation on submissions that were received from the membership. All other criteria for the Award remain the same.
As some CAFE members may not have submitted multiple-authored articles for consideration due to the previous criteria, the CAFE executive has passed an executive motion to extend the deadline for submissions. The deadline for nominations will now be extended to February 15, 2019.
Submission Requirements
Interested authors should submit a pdf of their article to the Chair of the CAFE Publications Awards Committee by email, along with a cover letter clearly articulating how their article makes a rare and/or exceptional contribution to knowledge in the foundations of education in Canada. The Chair will provide an email submission receipt.
Applications for this award will be accepted up to 15 February 2019.
Send Submissions by email to:
Dr. Jeannie Kerr. Chair, CAFE Publications Awards Committee at Please put “CAFE Publication Award” in the subject line.