NEWS: Eurydice Publications – 7 February 2019

Eurydice Publications – 7 February 2019

New Eurydice Publication :: Integrating Asylum Seekers and Refugees into Higher Education in Europe: National Policies and Measures

What role did higher education play in addressing the refugee crisis? Many asylum seekers and refugees entering Europe in 2015 and 2016 were in the typical higher education age range and had been enrolled in university programmes in their home country. However, while continuing to study may be beneficial both for individuals and for host countries, integrating people who have escaped major conflict, who may be traumatised and who may lack language and other skills is far from a simple task.

You will discover that in a majority of countries there is no specific policy approach on this matter and that only six higher education systems monitor the integration of asylum seekers and refugees into their institutions.

Nevertheless, good practice can be found in a few countries on issues such as recognition of undocumented qualifications, support to language learning, provision of financial support and personal guidance services.


How inclusive are European education systems towards migrants?

On 25 February, from 12.30 to 14.00, Eurydice invites you to the presentation of its two latest reports: “Integrating Students from Migrant Backgrounds into Schools in Europe: National Policies and Measures” and “Integrating Asylum Seekers and Refugees into Higher Education in Europe: National Policies and Measures”. This will represent the opportunity to have an open and wider discussion on what top-level education authorities do to integrate migrants into schools and how cultural and linguistic diversity is addressed in Europe. The inclusion of asylum seekers and refugees in higher education will also be part of the debate.

The conference will be web streamed, click on “more” and follow us! The link will be active on the conference’s day. Questions are more then welcome through our Facebook page: EurydiceEU.

Speakers: Ms Adrienn NYIRCSAK (DG EAC), Mr David CROSIER (EACEA) and Ms Sogol NOORANI (EACEA)
