Open House on Saturday, June 1st between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm.
Unique in Canada since its initiation in 1993, the University Transition Program (UTP) optimizes the wellness and dedication to talent development of BC high ability and gifted adolescents, typically ages 13 and 14. While facilitating their successful achievement of early entrance to UBC, the 2 year Program, located on the UBC campus, promotes character development and exploration of career pathways that capture the imagination and passion of students with a focus on giving back to society and using talents to build positive futures for all people. Initiated by the Tri-Institutional Partnership of The University of British Columbia, the Vancouver School Board and the BC Ministry of Education with funding support as a BC Provincial Resource Program (1995), the program features a pre-university identity and an intensive communiversity experience with conceptually advanced curriculum that accesses the learning culture of UBC and its citizens including the cohorts of UTP grads enrolled in diverse Faculties at UBC.
Welcome to the opportunity to experience and examine the program that attracts applicants from across Canada and diverse Educators and Administrators from countries around the world during the Open House on Saturday, June 1st between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm. Meet current students and program graduates together with staff and parents who will share their lived experiences through presentations, discussions, question and answer sessions, and lunch. Learn how UTP students thrive and reflect on their communiversity cohort experience with respect to self-awareness, confidence, social-emotional wellness, academic excellence, and readiness for university studies. Discussions will also review long term impact of radical academic acceleration with diverse highly successful alumni including youngest lawyer accepted to the Bar, youngest UBC student accepted to MD/Ph.D., and Schulich Leader Award winner at age 15, and UBC Philosophy Professor. Key findings discussed include appropriate curriculum, pedagogy, counseling, and related research and the impact of opportunities for learning with Professors and through International Global Citizenship Tours, peer-mentoring, and advanced level and self-generated problem solving applied to wicked unresolved problems.
Open House extends during the days of the Conference for drop-in visits between the hours of 10:00 am and 2:00 pm.
Location: 240-D, 1924 West Mall, UBC Campus
Please let us know that you are coming (for planning and lunch): Dr. Lucy Shepelev, Program Coordinator, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education,
Cell: 604-783-8064, website: