NEWS: CSSHE – Links for the Streaming Videos

Hello All,

As you may know this year we are streaming our four CSSHE panels so that individuals unable to attend the conference may be able to join to these key presentations. Links for the streaming is found below. CSSHE gratefully acknowledges the sponsors of these events, without their support this would not have been possible.


Graduate Student Panel: June 2, 2019 8:30 – 9:45 am PST


The purpose of the session is to provide an opportunity for graduate students at CSSHE to connect and learn from each other, with other faculty and administrators, and to explorer research as a graduate student. Speakers: Anisha Arora, Charles Bazilewich, Jason Holmes, Eric Lavigne Moderated by Dranna Andrews Brown.

The Graduate Student Panel Streaming is Sponsored by Centre for the Study of Education Leadership and Policy (SFU).

1990238 – Session Room F/Special Sessions Room – June 2, 2019



Key Note Panel: Circles of Conversation: June 3, 2019 8:30 -10:00 am PST


A panel with prominent higher education scholars to open conversations about who we are and the work we do as higher education scholars, practitioners and policy makers in relation to our diverse communities, in particular our Indigenous communities. They will speak to their current research in relation to the following questions: who you have been in conversation with; who you believe needs to brought more into the folds of your conversations; and how listening and learning in conversations has challenged your perspectives and knowledge traditions, sharpened the questions you ask, and helped critically reflect on your theoretical and research approaches. Speakers: Paul Alexrod, Kumari Beck, Glen A. Jones, Amy Scott Metcalfe. Moderated by Walter Archer.

The Keynote Panel Streaming is Sponsored by Centre for the Study of Canadian and International Higher Education (CIHE) (OISE) University of Toronto

1999336 – Session Room F/Special Sessions Room – June 3, 2019 – Session #1



Provost Panel June 3, 2019 1:00 – 2:30 pm PST

Panelists have been invited to share their experiences and perspectives on the following questions: ·What does community engagement mean and how can an institution determine the degree to which an institution is engaged with its community? ·What are the challenges institutions face, and strategies used, when attempting to foster mutually beneficial relationships with community? ·When we imagine an intercultural, equitable and diverse Canadian campus, what are the barriers and where are the opportunities to make changes? ·How do we know when we are “there”? ·How has your institution responded to date to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report recommendations pertinent to post-secondary education? Speakers: Dr. Lesley Brown, Dr. Dru Marshall, Professor Andrew Szeri, Dr. Janet Welch. Moderated by Kathleen Matheos

The Provosts Panel Streaming is Sponsored by the Centre for Higher Education Research and Development (CHERD) University of Manitoba


1999336 – Session Room F/Special Sessions Room – June 3, 2019 – Session #2



Interdisciplinary Panel CASIE/CSSHE panel: Academic Leaders Panel: Indigenous and Settler Scholars June 4, 2019 8:30 -10:00 am PST


The panels brings together Indigenous and settler scholars to address: How do you use your role to work for a decolonized university? Speakers: Ian Cull, Kit Dobson, Michelle Pidgeon, Rene Watchman Dine

The Indigenous Panel Streaming is Sponsored by Congress 2019

1999512 – Special Sessions Room – June 4, 2019