Eurydice Publications – 11 June 2019
New Eurydice Publication :: Recommended Annual Instruction Time in Full-time Compulsory Education in Europe – 2018/19
Did you know that the time available for learning could have a positive effect on students’ learning process, in particular, in the case of disadvantaged students? This report analyses the recommended minimum instruction time in full-time compulsory general education in 43 European education systems for the year 2018/19. Special attention is paid to reading, writing and literature, mathematics, natural sciences and social studies. The report outlines how reading, writing and literature is the subject areas that take up the largest share of instruction time, especially in primary education. Mathematics represents the second largest share of instruction time at primary level. Its share decreases at secondary level in favour of other subjects such as natural sciences. In addition to the comparative analysis, the report includes national diagrams that illustrate data by country and subject. Data is collected jointly by the Eurydice and the OECD NESLI networks.