Call for applications: Book Reviews Editor

The Canadian Journal of Education (CJE) is currently inviting applications for the position of Book Reviews Editor (English). The position begins immediately. The call for applications will remain open until September 1, 2019.

The Canadian Journal of Education is a national, peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the membership of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education. The CJE prioritizes research and scholarly writing that is of relevance to the Canadian education community. The journal accepts and publishes both French and English manuscripts and book reviews.

Those interested in applying for the position should submit a current curriculum vitae and a brief statement highlighting any previous editorial experience and ongoing scholarly interest in the field of education.

The Book Reviews Editor (English) will be responsible for working with publishers to secure books to review; matching and distributing those books to reviewers; and editing and readying the final work for publication as a highlighted section of the CJE. The book review section will be forwarded for copyediting and layouts, and then reviewed by the Book Reviews Editor prior to final publication. The CJE anticipates one or two books being reviewed for each issue of the Journal.

This is an unpaid, volunteer position. The CJE asks for a commitment of at least two years. The Book Reviews Editor will be expected to participate in editorial decisions for the journal and be a part of regular communications with the rest of the editorial team. The candidate must be able to make contacts with editors and publishers quickly and professionally, secure relevant review copies, recruit and coordinate a pool of reviewers, and assemble a high-quality, informative book review section for the CJE’s readership.

Please submit a CV and cover letter outlining your interest in the position by September 1, 2019. Please email the CV and letter to The Editors and the Rédactrice will adjudicate the applications.