NEWS: IAP – Call for Chapters – Bending the Arc Towards Justice


Bending the Arc Towards Justice:

Equity-Focused Practices for Educational Leaders

Edited By:

Rajni Shankar-Brown, Stetson University

School districts are experiencing increasing economic, racial, ethnic, linguistic, gender and sexuality, cultural diversity across the United States and globally. With increasing diversity and persistent social inequities widening (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2019; U.S. Census Data, 2018), school administrators face immense challenges and must actively work to build an equitable, healthy school climate. School administrators are critical for ensuring positive student outcomes and success, but often report feeling inadequately prepared for current challenges (Mitani, 2018; Coalition for Teacher Equality, 2016; Miller, 2013; Jordan, 2012; Papa, 2007). Unfortunately, growing challenges are contributing to high school administrator turnover rates and shortages (Mordechay & Orfield, 2017; Jacob et al., 2015; Gates et al., 2006) as well as perpetuating social inequities among preK-12 students instead of dismantling them (Beckett, 2018; Ra ngel, 2018; Manna, 2015; Fuller, 2012). A research study by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) and the Learning Policy Institute (LPI) reveals that public schools with higher percentages of low-income students and students of color are more likely to experience administrative turnover, which compounds equity issues affecting already vulnerable students (Levin and Bradley, 2019).

This edited volume will provide school administrators a deeper understanding of equity-focused leadership practices, while offering an unprecedented view of educational inequalities and a stark reminder of the work still ahead. Connecting theory to practice, this book will offer needed encouragement and inspiration to both in-service and practicing educational leaders. Rooted in social justice and weaving together diverse voices, this edited volume will be one of the first books to systematically examine equity-focused P-12 educational leadership practices.

I will invite chapter proposals for this edited volume that focus on equity-focused leadership practices in education. Promising projects will be highlighted in the book, along with effective strategies and practical resources.

Chapter proposals of no more than 500 words are welcome. Please cite at least 10 sources and include a reference page. The proposal cover page must contain the author’s full contact information. For multiple authored proposals, please list all authors’ contact information and indicate the corresponding author. Decisions will be made and communicated by October 31st, 2019 and a Manual for Authors will be provided to accepted corresponding authors.

At all stages, manuscripts must conform to 6th edition APA conventions. Following the submission of full chapter drafts on February 29th, 2019, a blind review process among the corresponding authors will be conducted and feedback communicated by March 31st, 2020.

Full chapters will range from 7,000 to 8,000 words in Time New Roman 12, double spaced text, inclusive of title, abstract, manuscript, and references and are to be submitted to Rajni Shankar-Brown as a Microsoft Word email attachment by May 31st, 2020. Graphics and images may be included.

Tentative Schedule for Publication:

Chapter Proposals:
August 15, 2019 through
October 31, 2019

Notification of Invite to Submit Chapters:
November 18, 2019

Submission of Draft Chapters for Review:
February 29, 2020

Return of Reviewed Chapters to Authors:
March 31, 2020

Submission of Revised Chapters:
May 31, 2020

Submission of Final Chapters to Publisher:
July 31, 2020

Anticipated Publication:
Winter 2020

Please email chapter proposals as attachments in Microsoft Word format to

Rajni Shankar-Brown ( Enquiries are welcome.

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