New Eurydice Publication :: Teachers’ and School Heads’ Salaries and Allowances in Europe 2017/18
5th October is World Teacher Day and Eurydice celebrates as from today with a new report. Teachers are at the centre of education and salaries are an important element in making a profession attractive. In which country do teachers get the highest pay in Europe? How have their salaries changed? This yearly Eurydice publication analyses salaries of teachers and school heads in pre-primary, primary and general secondary public schools in 42 European education systems in 2017/18. It also shows the main changes over the last three years. Moreover, it looks into the average actual salaries (including allowances and other additional payments) in relation with the per capita GDP and the earnings of other tertiary-educated workers. The report includes national sheets with extensive information on the salaries, the allowances and other additional payments that teachers and school heads receive. Data is collected jointly by the Eurydice and the OECD/NESLI networks.