The fall 2019 issue is now online! Le numéro de l’automne 2019 est disponible!
Historical Studies in Education / Revue d’histoire de l’éducation editors, Penney Clark (EDCP) and Mona Gleason (EDST), invite you to click on the above link to view the following:
James Miles, “Historical Pageantry and Progressive Pedagogy at Canada’s 1927 Diamond Jubilee Celebration,” 1–26.
Bruce Curtis, “Colonization, Education, and the Formation of Moral Character: Edward Gibbon Wakefield’s A Letter from Sydney,” 27–47.
Gerald Thomson, “The Determination of the Intellectual Equipment Is Imperative: Mental Hygiene, Problem Children, and the History of the Provincial Child Guidance Clinic of British Columbia, 1932–1958,” 48–78.
Andrée Dufour, “Le métier d’institutrice indépendante francophone à Montréal, 1869 –1915, “79–89.
Book Reviews/Comptes rendus
Clermont Barnabé et Pierre Toussaint, L’administration de l’éducation : une perspective historique | Alexandre Beaupré-Lavallée, 91–93.
Samira El Atia, dir., L’éducation supérieure et la dualité linguistique dans l’Ouest canadien. Défis et réalités | Phyllis Dalley, 93–96.
David Aubin, L’élite sous la mitraille. Les normaliens, les mathématiques et la Grande Guerre 1900–1925 | Mahdi Khelfaoui, 96–98.
Daniel Poitras, Expérience du temps et historiographie au XXe siècle — Michel de Certeau, François Furet et Fernand Dumont | Philippe Momège, 98–100.
Alexandre Lanoix, Matière à mémoire. Les finalités de l’enseignement de l’histoire du Québec selon les enseignantE | Andrea Mongelós Toledo, 100–102.
Roderick J. Barman, editor, Safe Haven: The Wartime Letters of Ben Barman and Margaret Penrose, 1940–1943 | Isabel Campbell, 102–104.
Theodore Michael Christou, Progressive Rhetoric and Curriculum: Contested Visions of Public Education in Interwar Ontario | Kurt Clausen, 104–106.
Elizabeth Todd-Breland, A Political Education: Black Politics and Education Reform in Chicago since the 1960s | Esther Cyna, 106–108.
Christabelle Sethna and Steve Hewitt, Just Watch Us: RCMP Surveillance of the Women’s Liberation Movement in Cold War Canada | Rose Fine-Meyer, 108–110.
Brian Titley, Into Silence and Servitude: How American Girls Became Nuns, 1945–1965 | Jacqueline Gresko, 111–112.
Randall Curren and Charles Dorn, Patriotic Education in a Global Age and Sam Wineburg, Why Learn History (When It’s Already on Your Phone) | Lindsay Gibson, 113–117.
Catherine Carstairs, Bethany Philpott, and Sara Wilmshurst, Be Wise! Be Healthy! Morality and Citizenship in Canadian Public Health Campaigns | Dan Malleck, 117–119.
Raymond B. Blake and Matthew Hayday, editors, Celebrating Canada, Volume 2: Commemorations, Anniversaries, and National Symbols | Brenda Trofanenko, 119–121.
2018–2019 Reviewers for HSE-RHÉ / Les examinateurs de la RHÉ pour l’année 2018–2019