Technology and Teacher Education (TATE) Pre-Conference on Saturday May 30th
The Technology and Teacher Education (TATE) SIG will be holding its annual pre-conference and lunch on Saturday May 30th. The pre-conference will begin at 10:30am with a Technologies, Literacies, and Education: Multiple Perspectives on Methods Symposium, followed by lunch, and a working session. The complete agenda can be found in this Google Doc.
If you are interested and able to attend please complete this Google Form for the food order by 28 February 2020.
In addition, we would like to invite members of TATE to submit an article about their research
for publication in a Special Issue on Teacher Education in the International Journal of E-Learning and Distance Education. This special issue will focus on innovative and creative uses of digital technologies in teacher education programs, which is why we believe that the papers that have been submitted to TATE’s 2020 Conference will be an excellent fit. We have outlined the proposed timeline for the 2020 publication process in this Google Doc.
If you are interested in submitting please provide a title and abstract (150-250 words) for your article by 28 February 2020 by completing this Google Doc.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again at the University of Western Ontario this spring !!
All the best, Megan Cotnam-Kappel and Norm Vaughan