NEWS: The Spring 2020 issue of Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation is now online!

The Spring 2020 issue of Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation is now online! Le numéro du printemps 2020 est disponible !

Historical Studies in Education / Revue d’histoire de l’éducation editors, Penney Clark and Mona Gleason (UBC), invite you to click on the above link to view the following:

Special Contribution

In Memoriam: J. Donald Wilson, 1936-2019 | William Bruneau

Focus on Higher Education

« [L’]utilisateur du bataillon de jeunes Québécois » : le patronat québécois et les institutions universitaires, 1980-2012 | Maxime Colleret

Tripwires and Whisky Tenors: Student-Faculty Relationships in Alberta’s Normal Schools During the 1930s | Shawn W. Brackett

“One of the Boys”: Women at the Ontario Veterinary College in the Twentieth Century | Kevin Woodger and Elizabeth A. Stone


Child Labour, Parental Neglect, School Boards, and Teacher Quality: School Inspector Reports on the Supply and Demand of Schooling in Mid-nineteenth-century Sweden | Germund Larsson and Johannes Westberg

Sputnik’s Children: History of the Major Work Program in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Schools, 1954–1972 | Reesa Sorin

Convent Class Struggle: Lay Sisters and Choir Sisters in America | Brian Titley

Book Reviews

Denis Simard, Jean-François Cardin et Olivier Lemieux, dir., La pensée éducative et les intellectuels au Québec. La génération 1915-1930 | Normand Baillargeon

Claire IsaBelle, dir., Le système scolaire franco-ontarien. D’hier à aujourd’hui pour le plein potentiel des élèves | Jacques Touré

Xavier Riondet, Rita Hofstetter et Henri Louis Go, dir., Les acteurs de l’Éducation nouvelle au XXe siècle : itinéraires et connexions | Katryne Ouellet

Stephen Jackson, Constructing National Identity in Canadian and Australian Classrooms: The Crown of Education | George Buri

Kirsty Robertson, Tear Gas Epiphanies: Protest, Culture, Museums | Carly Ciufo

Michelle Purdy, Transforming the Elite: Black Students and the Desegregation of Private Schools | Ashley Dennis

Jean Barman, Iroquois in the West | Crystal Fraser

Jason Ellis, A Class by Themselves?: The Origins of Special Education in Toronto and Beyond | Jane Gaskell

Jane Griffith, Words Have a Past: The English Language, Colonialism, and the Newspapers of Indian Boarding Schools | Scott McLaren

Dawn Wallin and Janice Wallace, eds., Transforming Conversations: Feminism and Education in Canada since 1970 | Pamela Rogers

David A. Gamson, The Importance of Being Urban: Designing the Progressive School District, 1890-1940 | Campbell F. Scribner