NEWS: Eurydice Today – 7 May 2020

Eurydice Today – 7 May 2020

Focus on: Can the coronavirus pandemic improve our schools?

The universe is not short on wake up calls. We’re just quick to hit the snooze button – Brene Brown

Since the Covid-19 virus started spreading, European citizens, like other people around the globe, have been put to the test in all aspects of life. The normality as we knew it remains largely on hold for the time being. Schools, day care centres and universities are still heavily affected, and will be re-opening only very gradually over the coming weeks and months. However this situation may potentially be turned into an opportunity for improving our education systems – if we are able to learn from this experience. More

Focus on: What has the covid-19 crisis taught us about online teaching?

The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery – Mark Van Doren

Higher education institutions are facing a major challenge: how can they continue to offer instruction if face to face classes and lectures are closed? Moreover, as students want to be actively engaged in their own learning, universities are proposing new forms of teaching and learning: synchronous courses, in which remote students receive instruction together in real time. Eurydice interviewed Senior Lecturer Sophie Queuniet from Columbia University. More