NEWS: CASWE Virtual Book Launch (June 3, 2020)

CASWE Virtual Book Launch (June 3, 2020)

Everyone welcome!

Hosted by: Laurie Hill; Sarah Elaine Eaton; Amy Burns


Topic: CSSE – CASWE virtual book launch

Time: Jun 3, 2020 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


This book offers a new perspective on how Canadian women in the academy are re-conceptualizing and reconsidering their position as professionals. It examines central challenges associated with the lives of women scholars and higher education professionals, including their professional identity, institutional expectations, lessons learned throughout their career experiences in higher education, and navigating between multiple roles.

In turn, the book highlights the importance of both formal and informal networks of support. Each contributing author presents authentic examples from her lived experiences as a woman in the academy, situating her personal narrative within previous research in the field. Taken together, the respective chapters equip readers with a deeper understanding of the experiences of women in the academic world. This book is inclusive in nature, showcasing experiences from women who are scholars, students and higher education professionals.

The book makes a significant and unique contribution to the field of gender studies, with a focus on women negotiating life in the academic world and within the Canadian context. The evidence and insights shared here will benefit all scholars in women’s studies and comparative studies, as well as those considering a career in higher education.


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