NEWS: Submit your proposal to present at the International Mentoring Association Conference in Gainesville, FL, February 21-23, 2021

Dear CSSE colleagues,

I hope this email finds all of you well!


I would like to share an invitation to submit a proposal to the International Mentoring Association (IMA) Conference, which will be held in Gainesville, FL, February 21-23, 2021.

The conference is the place to

  • Enhance your mentoring skills
  • Learn from experts in the field
  • Meet and engage national leaders and authors
  • Expand your research and reflect on program advances.

The theme is Mentor On: Resilience, Rigor, and Results. The aim of this conference is to:

  • Provided innovative ideas for mentoring practices that are rigorous and provide results;
  • Share mentoring concepts, beliefs, and mindsets for consideration through intentionally designed conference opportunities;
  • Explore successful programs and practices for integration and improvements of existing practices;
  • Experience the intersecting of wide-range of mentoring fields for reflective practice;
  • Develop new understandings of leadership, gender, age, experience, diversity, relationships, and cultural implications of mentoring;
  • Expand the knowledge of mentoring in the areas of Corporate/Business, K-12/Student, Higher Education, Health/Science, Military, Government.

Call for Proposals is open until August 1, 2020.

For more information about the conference, or to submit your proposal, visit


Best regards,


Dr. Benjamin Kutsyuruba

Associate Professor,

Educational Leadership, Policy, and School Law

Faculty of Education, Queen’s University

Duncan McArthur Hall, 511 Union St.

Kingston, ON K7M5R7
