The Department of Canadian Heritage is pleased to invite provincial and territorial governments, the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC), and non-profit (Canadian) organizations and professional associations to submit funding requests for projects under the Teacher Recruitment and Retention Strategy for the 2020-2021 period.
This call for proposals is for short-term projects that will take place between June 1, 2020, and March 31, 2021, and that will assist in addressing immediate needs arising from the COVID-19 situation with regard to the recruitment and retention of teachers in minority French-language schools and teachers in French immersion and French second-language programs.
The form and guide attached to this email will help you to properly complete your request, which must be sent by email to pch.fptlo-fptol.pch@canada.ca no later than June 30, 2020. An acknowledgment of receipt will be sent within five business days.
Any request received after this date may not be accepted.
Please note that a second call for proposals will take place in the fall for additional 2020-2021 projects, should funds be available, and projects beginning in 2021-2022. The launch of this second call for proposals, with the accompanying form and guide, is planned for September 15, 2020, with a submission deadline of November 2, 2020.
Send by email
The funding application form as well as all required documents must be sent by email to: pch.fptlo-fptol.pch@canada.ca
The electronic version of the request form must be signed by a duly authorized person.
In the event that submitting the request by email is not possible, you must contact your program officer.
Complete application
A complete application contains a completed and signed application form, accompanied all required documents as specified in the 2020-2021 Applicant’s Guide.
We will proceed with the review of your application, and if it is incomplete, we will inform you via email.
Do not hesitate to contact your program officer if you wish to discuss the development of your request.
Thank you for your collaboration.
France Fortier
Director, Operations and Regional Coordination
Official Languages Branch
Department of Canadian Heritage / Government of Canada
france.fortier@canada.ca / Tel.: 819-953-5693 / TTY: 1-888-997-3123
Cell: 819-665-5329
RR application form 2020-2021 call
RR guide 2020-2021 EN call