NEWS: Independent online research project of racial bias in ECE spaces

I am doing an independent online research project to collect anonymous stories of racial bias in ECE spaces. It is at this website (with links to social media on the buttons at the top).


1. Established best practices for developing anti-racist policies in education start with this kind of research (Source: Centre for Race and Culture), however there isn’t capacity within most ECE organizations to do this at the moment.

2. Sometimes stories are easier to tell to someone who is “outside the system”, as people sharing stories of bias may feel uneasy about sharing with people in positions of power. There is a lot of precedent for online story-sharing as a vehicle for change. (Eg BLM, MeToo)

3. The project aims to use social media (FB and Instagram) to connect the ECE workforce to the academic research that has been done on anti-racist pedagogy and connect individual experiences to wider theories. In the article, ‘Nothing, or Almost Nothing, to Report: Early Childhood Educators and Discursive Constructions of Colorblindness”‘ (2017), the authors call for specific anti-racist initiatives and interventions, in particular training that helps white educators in identifying racist incidents that they would otherwise dismiss or ignore.

I am looking for:
-Potential collaborators
-Feedback, critique, comment
-Ways to share the project with a wider audience of ECEs

Happy to answer any questions, and as this project is so far totally independent, I am interested in making changes based on feedback.
Thank you very much,

Vancouver, BC