NEWS: Call for WERA-IRN Proposals, 2020/2021

Dear Colleague,

Please find attached the World Education Research Association (WERA) call for proposals to establish an International Research Network (IRN). The purpose of a WERA-IRN is to advance education research worldwide on specific scholarly topics. An IRN is a collaborative group of scholars working on a specific research topic of education research world-wide using primarily virtual communication or other channels.

WERA-IRN proposals must be submitted via the following platform: Submission: International Research Network (IRN) Proposal.

Proposals must be submitted by 1 February 2021.

The review of the proposals will be conducted by WERA-IRN Committee under the leadership of Joanna Madalinska-Michalak, WERA Vice-president.

We thank you for your participation in WERA initiatives, and look forward to your continued engagement in WERA in the future. Your commitment in helping to advance the work of WERA and education research worldwide is much appreciated.

Please click here, to view the attachment for further details.

We look forward to receiving your proposals.